Africa’s Youth Population index amounts to more than 200 millions, thereby comprising roughly 66.23% of Africa. In this estimated number, 28.23% comprises of youths between 23-36yrs, 22% belong to the age bracket of 16-23yrs, while 16% are between 35-48yrs. currently we are an estimated 210 million youths in Africa, meaning that 158 million Africans are below the age of 35 years. If those above 45 years are only about 42 million, it therefore means those between the ages of 16-35 years are the majority, that is about 158 million youths.
It is now obvious that the future of Africa lies in good leadership, and those responsible are without dispute young leaders. We’ve all one way or the other agree that good governance, democracy, and nation building are heavily shaped by the quality of a country's politics and the array of its dedicated youth force. If the future of Africa lies in the youth, how then can space be created in the mainstream politics to realize it? Let us take the antecedent of Ghanaian political scene for example. And perhaps only then we as youths can be truly ready to invest our creativity in Africa’s pristine development, shouldering the responsibility and governance, though heavy; but the sacrifice is worth it.
The Legacies of our hero’s past may perhaps be our starting point; if we care to investigate the leadership of these Hero’s past, the youth can, in resolving to settle for good governance and non-violence articulation, create an Eldorado - that which has never been seen or heard anywhere in the world. SOAR’s prime agenda is to Align with African youths all over the world, to add their experiences and abilities towards the re-engineering of a new Africa in terms of policies that affects the masses of Africa; from grassroots to urban. This will be the mainstream areas to redirect our compasses, towards SOAR’s goals.
There is no society without culture and consequently without civilisation; there is neither superior nor inferior civilisation. Each society has its virile youth force, and without which the politics and economic is stagnant. Each Youth proceeding from their culture, using their intellectual, moral and physical capabilities to master nature and their history; and move their culture and sociological correspondence into a level that is almost civilized or is in itself civilized. This leadership dynamics is eternal, following the principles laid down by good governance, and the righteous precedence left behind by transparent leaders, based on their understanding and actions. In the following universal law, African youths has given Africa a distinction, it has pledge their loyalty to the continent’s prosperity. Africa has given her actions a guiding set of humanist principles. SOAR’s Philosophic principle is raised on this foundation.
Africa’s Youth Population index amounts to more than 200 millions, thereby comprising roughly 66.23% of Africa. In this estimated number, 28.23% comprises of youths between 23-36yrs, 22% belong to the age bracket of 16-23yrs, while 16% are between 35-48yrs. Currently we are an estimated 210 million youths in Africa, meaning that 158 million Africans are below the age of 35 years. If those above 45 years are only about 42 million, it therefore means those between the ages of 16-35 years are the majority, that is about 158 million youths in Africa.
In the case of Africa anyone having the slightest understanding of world history knows that Africa’s contributions to world civilisation are nothing less than overwhelming! SOAR has dedicated its precious intellectual moments to reflect on the dynamic solutions to curb Africa’s immerse problems; this was done through its think tank group – a team of young Africans with a drive to provide answers to questions of underdevelopment in African. SOAR’s glory has truly come home to its mother – Africa, and her ability to organise states can never be questioned from ancient Egypt to modern South Africa.
In spite of the combined forces of imperialism, the greatness of Africa’s pre-colonial period, the poor infrastructural/economic development to lack of credible governance, human rights violations to capacity building, marginalization to poverty alleviation; these necessary evil have long rocked Africa. Nonetheless, the authentic and uncontested works of Africans cannot be denied. It was a legacy that could only now be whispered, SOAR is committed to restoring and reawakening this prided legacy of our Africa’s founding fathers.
As African Youth Advocacy group, our responsibility in SOAR is owned to African Young people. We can only succeeded if we network with youth leaders, to rural and community (grassroots) youth development projects. Our aim in SOAR is to strengthen the political and economic consciousness of the Youths at all levels of the society in Africa, and to utilize our youthful potentials towards the actualization of Africa’s true growth and development.
It was on this premise that the Society of African Reformers (SOAR) was conceived to attended to the numerous lacuna over time, and bridge the gap thereby re-engineering the youth in entrepreneurial, political, sociocultural, economic and leadership action as per taking Africa into the next generation of Cheetah breed.
The literary meaning of SOAR has a lot to give into the dawn of a new leadership structure in Africa. A youth centered initiative and pragmatic ideologies, youth owned and youth partnered has always been the missing dots amongst the youths in Africa. The epileptic nature of youth's involvements in the development of Africa has brought untold wars and suffering; it has left issues of dynamic changes in the hands of a generation that is fast fading away.
SOAR in partnership with other African youth organizations, International Youth organizations, The Africa Union, Civil society Organization, Civil Liberty Organizations, is to establish centre for Africa youth development, a forum that will entertain youth sentiments and creativity.
In order to implement youth initiatives, whether transnational, national and local in context, all stakeholders in youth awareness and mobilization must be encouraged to kick-off with their own style of campaign, coupled with statutory funding; where agenda are specified and accessed by a committee such as SOAR. A key focus of these partnerships will be to take the local initiatives of youths nationally, in terms of continental agenda as expressed by the Mission statement of several African Youth Organizations and the Society of Africa Reformers (SOAR). This is to ensure, that it brings the youths’ creativity in leadership and entrepreneurial skills collectively to a level in which they can be shared with other youth bodies, researchers and policy makers.
This effort is unique in its approach, in that it starts from the belief that youths are agents of change within their communities. Most developing African nations see youths as being the problem, on whose shoulders developmental programs can be fixed. This has been the ceremonial impression of most African leaders, and such an ideology has been doggedly championed by them (Leaders) since independence and post independence era. The government often treats youth as passive receptors, unable to act, and needing to be acted upon. This in recent time have been refuted, gnashed at and fought with the last youthful blow ever known. SOAR see such an ideological stereotype as unacceptable, and any political process that encourage such a misconception and misrepresentation of the ideology of the youth as the fountain of nation building is doomed to fail, and research indicates that such a process will continue to fail.
There is, however, a growing movement internationally such as the International Youth Foundation (IYF), International Youth Organization that have argued that youth, beyond being passive, are actively taking charge of their own destiny within their own communities; this is a fact SOAR holds with grave sentiment. Strategies are needed to encourage and strengthen the Society of African Reformers (SOAR) such as in areas of partnership from the government, NGOs and private sectors, whose main purpose will be to further propagate capacity building amongst African Youths.
“The traditional face of Africa includes an attitude towards man and woman which can only be described in its social manifestation as being socialism” – Kwame Nkrumah
The ideological base of SOAR is to create democratic, leadership, excellence and commitments amongst African Youths; its desires is to educate African youths on the challenges facing Africa, and to serve as a platform and forum where solutions within and outside Africa is reviewed and tested. Apart from its series of casework, SOAR is to network and partner with all Voluntary and non voluntary youth’s bodies around the world, INGOs and NGOs towards African youth building. SOAR will be incomplete without the realization of its mission statements, which includes:
1. Identifying Grassroots youth Development
2. Exploring various MDG opportunities to reduce unemployment amongst African Youths
3. To bridge the gap between Government of African countries and Youth aspirations
4. To work with Africa Union (AU) towards Continental and International Peace education and enlightenment campaigns in areas affecting youth Development
5. To liaise with UNO and other International Bodies in identifying major development areas in Africa.
6. To publish daily articles and communiqués of youth sentiments, entrepreneurship, craftsmanship, talents and visions of African Youths in their various works of life.
7. To re-establishment and continue the legacy of Great African Leaders of Yore; and to emulate past, present and future African Leaders who where, and are youths in various youth capacity building, to serve as an expose towards capturing the Youth creative minds.
8. The initial challenge is to build on Africa’s desire to take good ideas, and help Africans grow.
9. Investing in Young minds and educating the Youths on leadership and good governance
10. Help build institutions all in support of children and families, and the sponsorship of community development goals.
The greatest threat youth face today is exclusion and marginalization from decisions that affect us. Unemployment, crime, HIV/AIDS, neglect by the authorities and often abandonment to our fate, because of various forms of discrimination. These are top of the list of problems, towns and cities have to deal with. At the same time, rural and urban youths in developing African countries possess immense potential to contribute to social development if afforded the right opportunities; the youth force will triumph in various leadership and entrepreneur skills if fielded with the enabling environment to discharge and exhibit their potentials in their various field of endeavours.
The challenge of putting youth at the centre of development strategies can be compared to the challenge, two decades ago, of putting women and gender issues on the development agenda. It is no longer conceivable to solve the problems of developing countries without focusing on the role of women, and finally creating a network of holistic gender project. A similar paradigm shift is required with respect to youth development.
The Youths of Africa like all other youths were continuing their march to higher levels of civilisation, towards capacity building, repository potentials, all in a network of sound and intellectual gathering of like minds; following the universal evolutionary trends from smaller to larger forms of social organisation, from age-grade to youth clubs or fraternity, through nation to continent. Indeed, African youths left un-trampled would have, through the evolutional process, arrived at continental unity; with SOAR, African Youths will achieve the highest form of rest through the exploring of its youthful potentials.
The mission of SOAR is to build the power and capacity of Youths development, low-income people, rural sustainable development, to change their communities.
SOAR strengthens, connects and mobilizes urban and grassroots youth groups, through a network of youth leaders to enhance their leadership, voice and power. We believe that vibrant urban and community-based organizations all through Africa, led by the people (under the auspices of SOAR) most affected by social and economic injustice, are key to putting an end to the failed "on your own" mentality of the right and building a new politics based on community and national values all through Africa nations. Since SOAR is not happy with the wars in Darfur, Somalia, and other places in Africa, it is now time to stand up, and join our African brothers and sisters, and partner with allies to building a strong and virile Africa.
Founded in 2010 to honor the lives and values of great African reformers like Ken Saro Wiwa, Kwame Nkrumah, Thomas Sankara, Julius Nyere, Patrice Lumumba, Steve Biko, WebDubios, and other Africans who made great impact in their various communities across Africa while in their youth, the SOAR as a centre for network of African youth leaders is one of the longest-standing champions for youth development, even before its formation. Together, our youth leaders, and network of potentially driven youths and dynamic partners confront the vital issues of today and build the social movements of tomorrow. This is amongst all what we stand for. Collectively, all African people must stand to enthrone credible governance.
1. Only by challenging the "Youth network" mentality of our political and economic rights and building a new politics based on community values can we achieve social and economic justice. SOAR is pious with the responsibilities to achieve such long overdue task.
2. We believe that everyone should have a voice in the decisions that affect our lives and be fully engaged in our democracy.
3. We believe in an Africa that honors the diversity of our racial, tribal and ethnic backgrounds as well as our experiences, talents and dreams endowed in the collective virility of the youth.
4. We believe that only together – by sharing our hopes, connecting with each other, and taking action together – can we change our communities, nations and Africa for the better.
SOAR shall amplify Community Voices, and engage the youths through period enlightenment campaigns, workshops, seminars, conferences and applications of trust cases. The following shall be the following commitments of SOAR
1. We shall ensure that grassroots voices are heard in the darkest enclave of Niger Delta, far to the dusty hoard of Darfur; beyond the misty rocks of Niger Republic; and together we are shall shape the national conversation about building a better Africa.
2. SOAR shall ensure a strong community-based organizations and their brilliant leaders are our source of great ideas and real power. SOAR shall strengthen the local power of these groups and elevate their voices from the grassroots to the national level.
3. SOAR shall deliver the grassroots message with authentic voices. SOAR will leverage her relationships with grassroots community leaders, ethnic and mainstream media, and national opinion makers to advocate for overall development from capacity building, infrastructural development, political sensitization, economic empowerment to mainstream issues of youth and masses agenda.
SOAR shall Combine Grassroots Power to win in the following areas through our commitments, such as:
a. We unite grassroots groups and leaders across race and ethnicity, issues and geography to solve some of the most pressing problems facing the youths and Africa’s general development today.
b. We bring together urban and grassroots youth leaders to learn from one another and our expert staff, and to join forces on common causes.
c. We are a catalyst for action. Leveraging one of the broadest and most diverse networks of community based organizations; we've built a 70 year history of winning real improvements to the future of Africa and its overall development.
SOAR shall among other things build the Social Movements of Tomorrow; we find and nurture the brilliant Youth leaders and great ideas of tomorrow by empowering the ideal African youth anywhere in the world, and through drastic engagement and implementation of the millennium development goal ideologies. SOAR’s sustainable initiative model, apart from strategically focusing on technological advancement trends, shall invest in the immediate capacity building of youths, through local and international skill acquisitions to meet the challenges of tomorrow. Such impacts will be heavily felt, and below will be the opined results.
1. SOAR shall nurture the next generation of leaders. We discover opportunity and potential where others don't, this will be through exhibition and identification of Africa’s rare potentials. Thousands of organizers and community leaders touch the Center for Community Change each year; however, SOAR will be dedicated to finding the stars of tomorrow and preparing them to lead, through a pet project such as the Annual Youth Independent Anniversary Project (AYIAP), and an award for Pride of the Federal Republic (PFR); this shall be an annual events to bring African future back home wherever they are in the Diaspora and to encourage and recognize the patriotic impact of youths at home who have help shall a perfect economic, social and political culture.
2. SOAR will incubate the ideas that will shape a better tomorrow. We shall bring together the most creative thinkers from all over the world, urban and grassroots to the Epitome of our meeting place to develop innovative solutions and a vision for an Africa where we're all in it together.
SOAR is monumental and righteously driven towards the total liberation and unification of Africa under present day Scientific Socialism. SOAR through Youths leadership network, through the pragmatic solutions to Africa’s problem is the only solution to our problems, and that which will finally liberate Africans and place our Africa in the first 10 economies of the world. It is only a Unified Youth-centric Africa that will free African worldwide. We must be in harmony, not only with the future, but also with the past.
SOAR’s dreams of a new Africa is not littered in personal ambition or sentimental hoards of thwarted initiative, the Africa that we must reconstruct cannot be capitalist alone, it must be combine to define the sprouting of Africa’s very best in the face of adversity and self reliance. Capitalism alone is viciously barbaric; this crude and alien system has wrecked and continues to wreak havoc on Africa. SOAR, since it is not totally against Capitalism; having its benefits; must not repeat the errors of our forefathers who were nationalist and advocate of a socialist propagation in the Pan-Africanism era. Nonetheless we are not also against them as well! In order to shaped Africa to a perfect beauty and as the greatest continent with the all its endowed resources, we must refocus our energy on the review of Socialism and Capitalism weighing its advantages and disadvantages.
Through the application of our intellectual and entrepreneurial resources, a perfect combination of Socialism and Capitalism becomes the cardinal point of reference; and SOAR believes this is the only way out. Even while its philosophy has moderation, extreme socialism always leads to crude communism, and pure capitalism encourages poverty and dependency, creating social class, and such crude capitalism is unjust (Osagyefo Kwame Nkrumah). SOAR is to through a network of Youths is bent at reawakening the cultural values we once knew in ancient Africa. Through this advocacy, an elaborate research can be conducted into African cultures, religions, economics and governance.
Our free and development has been brutally interrupted by the leadership impunity of our leaders to further perpetuate imperialism in Africa and enslave Africans by Africans. This resistance, in Africa determined and fierce, has been finally endorsed and gallantly welcome by the simple fact of the superiority of potential means used by a new class of youth who have come from a higher determined platform.
All oppressed peoples have a developed instinctive love for justice. Thus Africa once invaded, resisted, and her fight knew no geographical boundaries, African youths have had enough, its rebellion everywhere in Africa was faithfully followed. The Youths has developed spontaneous principles to guide us, in order to face the challenges of the future; to planned action in isolated cases following the law of human nature, whenever Africans were oppressed by bad policy, the youths shall stand to the ills. This resistance, some of the most noble and courageous in the annals of history, lacked co-ordination, the struggle is against Continental and national imperialism by our leaders and SOAR must be coordinated accordingly. The poverty index, that has rock our people in Africa; that perpetually enslave and marginalize her people, SOAR have seen, is a constant feature in the drive for the assertion and preservation of African people.
The people of Africa through its youth force in contemporary time posses a rich tradition of fighting, or non-violence opposition and of socio-cultural resistance to bad governance. Each ethnic and tribal sentiments has its own trends, and sociocultural dominations has never been accepted on account of the very historic conditions and specific characteristics of a given socio economic entity. Liberation and struggles (of Africans worldwide) took different ways, a diversity of forms of expression and of methods of struggle against a crude local form of imperialist domination and mediocrity of the aristocratic leadership class. But in its development, each liberation struggle did not in reality clash with a single state, but with an entire world system (imperialism) to which the state belongs. And in the new clash is precipitated on the overall interest of African youths sentiment, and such is participated as a link of SOAR’s revolutionary chain, integrating the progressive forces youth capacity building.
It is only through struggle that men and women gain consciousness. Centuries of noble, courageous but spontaneous isolated struggle led to the need and means for co-ordinated struggle. The struggle would have to be co-ordinated by African youths to wherever there are African youths anywhere in the world. In order to succeed, we must establish a strong base in Africa, and irrespective of the brutal rape of communities, and government’s intimidatory policies which has made it impossible for the youths to speak with one voice; we must nonetheless remain committed. SOAR philosophy meant the active involvement of Africans at Home and abroad in an organised manner, thus demonstrating that we are all Africans with the same origins history, culture and destiny and consequently committed to our Nation.
All Young people (Youths and Children) of African descent whether they live in north or South America, the Caribbean; or in any other part of the world are Africans and belong to the African Nation. In order to ensure a sustainable and well advanced development structure, African youths, home and abroad, under the SOAR should network, and like the conference of historical Pan-Africanism, provide unanimous solutions to the unending problems of Africa.
Bad governance in almost all African nations has been trying to destroy peace and unity of the people, but through a network of determined and intellectually capable youths (SOAR), Africa and Africans will continues to survive in the face of the continued onslaught of cabalistic capitalism, local colonialism, leadership-colonialism, neo-colonialism and national imperialism. SOAR like all reformatory and revolutionary movements of past and present, struggles for constant clarity to ensure mass participation. SOAR knows that without the credible mass youth potentially driven populated, committed to a unified course towards Africa’s development, there is no Revolution!
The history of Society of African Reformers (SOAR) demonstrates the indispensable role of organisation in the process of liberation. SOAR has been seeking at each stage the best form of application of development. Only the people led by the youth, a virile cheetah generation, and the All Mighty people can achieve a new Africa. Thus, the necessity of SOAR which is anti-religious extremism, anti-tribalism, anti-Zionist, anti-militancy and anti-terrorism can assure mass involvement of Africans worldwide in the contemplative and empirical development of our a new Africa; and element of ancient harmonious Africa, devoid of barbarism as postulated by most European, and European American stereotyped historians in their textbooks.
There are no inferior or superior peoples, Africa the richest continent in the world, was exploited by imperialism because we lack mass organization in the past; and at present, our post imperialist leadership cabals have hijacked the scarce resources, thereby perpetuating poverty and immerse sufferings. Society of African Reformers (SOAR) cannot be achieved without Youth, Mass, People driven agenda and organised struggle. Every African Youth who is not dominated by post imperialist acceptance, bad governance, and political and economic manipulations of our political class – that is to say who understands that the peoples’ happiness is of the supreme interest – must make their contribution to the peoples’ happiness by immediately network as like minds, and for a singular purpose. It is the only way to make an eternal contribution to our struggle of liberating Africa, and dethroning bad governance. we can only but reproduce the very legacy of great minds, where our immerse contributions will be stained positive in the annals and marbles of a generation yet unborn.
Like any other organizations in the world, SOAR shall be styled with a structure, aims and functions. This shall distinguish us from other organization, yet with almost similar aims and objectives.
Field Organizer
Web and New Media Manager
Senior Data Manager
Senior Legislative Associate
Administrative Coordinator
Project Director
Human Resources Generalist
Executive Director
Economic Justice Organizer
Director of Research & Programs
Director of Organizational Learning
New Media Specialist
Director of Leadership Development
Lead Organizer
Senior Policy Analyst
Development Manager
Program Manager, Leadership Development
Development Writer
Policy Analyst
Field Organizer Genealogy Project
Director of New Media
Organizing Unit Executive Assistant
Senior Executive Coordinator
Director, Campaign for Community Values
Donor Database Manager
Immigration Campaign Coordinator
East Africa Team Leaders
North Arica Team Leaders
South Africa Team Leaders
West Africa Team Leaders
Operations Manager (s)
Director of Special Initiatives
Operations Manager/Special Assistant to the Director of Organizing and Politics
Manager, Special Gifts and Initiatives
Legislative Director
Policy and Communication Specialist
Interim National Field Director
Managing Director
Director of Special Projects
Deputy Director for Politics
Health Policy Specialist
Human Resources Assistant
Annual Fund Manager
Office Manager, Nigerian Office
Senior Communications Specialist
Director of Immigration
Director of Development
Grants and Projects Finance Manager
Director of Community Voting Project
Director of Communications
Director of Organizational Initiatives
Special Assistant to the Chief Executive Director/President
Director of Public Policy
Receptionist / Office Assistant
Director of Human Resources and Administration
Immigration Policy Coordinator
Deputy Director of Idea Generation and Dissemination
Economic Justice Coordinator
Director of Media Relations
Campaign Organizers/Mobilization
Director of Finance
whereas, SOAR’s constitution with its democratic nature will have Directors in charge of all countries in Africa, and one two Directors each for Europe, North America, South America, Caribbean, Australia, Asia, the Middle east where there may be African Youths.
CEO and President
Members – Trustees
Directors representing Countries,
The Headquarters of SOAR shall be site as “Nigeria”, and its President shall be on a revolving basis.
Before the kick-off of the Pride of the Federal Republic project (PFR), the Board of trustees shall meet to come up with a constitution. Before then, five (5) members of the board of trustees shall be assigned by the Chairman of the Board to draft an interim constitution.
Website: the standard accepted website has been reserved, and we are looking at reviewing the two options we have. There is a and Whatever the Board of trustees comes up with shall be accepted as the official website of SOAR, and such shall be based under review by the general congress.
With the present day numerical and political trend; there shall be five arms of SOAR:
1. The Executive Council
2. Legal Council
3. Management Council (Secretariat)
4. Security Council
5. Board of Trustees.
The executive council shall consist of the Board of Directors, and some senior member of the management team. This council will comprise of all the directors from the representing countries. It shall be the highest management planning arm of SOAR. It shall comprise of the following:
1. Chair
2. CEO and President
3. Treasurer
4. Ex-officios
5. Members – Trustees
6. Directors representing Countries,
The Executive council during its meeting shall be headed by the Chairman who shall be saddled with the leadership rights, and his decisions are though final, but shall hearken to opinions from members of the board. The council shall nominate among them a secretary for the purpose of acting as a scribe, to write minutes and read annuals and reports of the activities brought to the house got deliberation; and shall not have the same power as the Secretary General (SG). The major function of the Executive council shall be and not limited to the following:
1. Formulation of rules and regulations of all members
2. Advisory function
3. Legislative function
4. Administrative/Bureaucratic function
5. Technical function
6. Management function
The legal council shall comprise of African Youths who are advocates of Law; they shall give legal advice on daily basis to the General Congress (GC) through the Security Council (SC) with the consent of the Executive Council (EC). Legal periodic and law review shall be published by this council, and shall pass same through the Secretary General for proper publicity to members and non-members online and through other means. The Headquarters of the LC shall be sited in South Africa; and this council shall liaise with AU and UN’s Legal aims for harmonious efforts to compliment agendas towards peace, human rights and general law.
This arm shall be saddle with the responsibility of technical management and consulting. In order to reach the all sphere of the society in Africa, it is the responsibility of the Management Council (MC) to come up with master plans towards arranging specific development and growth paradigms. The implementation of these technical areas of development such as poverty alleviation, publicity, and design of targets is the vital framework of the MC. Enlightenment, fundraising, Public relations, ceremonial functions will be defined in the constitution
This Arm shall be saddled with the responsibility and maintenance of law and order, and the day to day running of the Organization. It shall report periodically to the Executive council on its progress, and shall advise the Executive council on vital public issues. The SC shall prepare an annual report of its activities to the EC for their review. There shall be quarterly report as well, which will serve as a repository achieves for references. The quarterly report though shall assist the EC in their policy formation; such will rarely be attended to as the end of year/annual report shall form the quorum review of the EC.
This shall be the highest advisory arm of SOAR; it shall include founding members, ex-officios, CEO/President, past Presidents.
the Executive council on vital public issues. The SC shall prepare an annual report of its activities to the EC for their review. There shall be quarterly report as well, which will serve as a repository achieves for references. The quarterly report though shall assist the EC in their policy formation; such will rarely be attended to as the end of year/annual report shall form the quorum review of the EC.
This shall be the highest advisory arm of SOAR; it shall include founding members, ex-officios, CEO/President, past Presidents.